8 Unexpected Reasons Why Your Skin Is Breaking Out Over the Holidays

why your skin is breaking out over the holidays

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This blog reveals to you eight unexpected reasons why your skin is breaking out over the holidays, and provides tips to help you maintain glowing skin!

If you’ve ever wondered why your skin seems to rebel during holidays, you’re not alone. 

I’ve been there too, and through my journey, I’ve discovered nine key reasons why our skin can go through a rough patch when we’re supposed to be enjoying our time off. From indulgent foods to the stress of holiday preparations, there’s a lot that can throw our skin off balance. 

In this post, I’ll walk you through these reasons, based on both personal experiences and what I’ve learned along the way. 

Whether it’s changes in your routine or the hidden effects of holiday cheer on your skin, I hope my insights can help you navigate this festive season with healthier, happier skin.

1. Stress

reasons why your skin is breaking out during the holidays

So, who else feels like the holidays, while fun, can sometimes be super stressful? 

I totally get it. 

Between trying to get everything done, keeping up with family stuff, and just wanting everything to be perfect, it’s a lot to handle.

And you know what? I’ve noticed this stress does a number on my skin. I used to wonder, “Why now? Why during the holidays?” But then it clicked – all this stress was really affecting my skin.

That’s why I started looking for ways to chill out a bit more during the holidays. Actually, I’ve shared some cool tips that work for me in this blog “8 Practical Tips For Managing Holiday Stress And Overwhelm”. It’s all about keeping things real and remembering to take some time for myself. These little changes have made a big difference. I’m not just feeling more relaxed, but my skin is thanking me too.

If your skin starts freaking out when the holidays roll around, maybe take a minute to think about how stressed you might be. Looking after your mind and emotions is super important for your skin.

2. Dietary Changes

OMG, holiday treats – I absolutely love them!

But I’ve started noticing that when I go all out with these foods, my skin seems to have a bit of a meltdown.

I find myself reaching for the sugary stuff and dairy-loaded delights way more during the holidays than any other time of the year. It’s hard to resist, right? 

Those sweet pies, creamy casseroles, and cheese platters are just too tempting. But, as tasty as they are, my skin doesn’t seem too thrilled about it. I start to see more breakouts, and my skin just looks a bit sad.

Dairy products are tricky because they contain hormones and molecules that can throw our own hormones off balance. This leads to more oil production in the skin, and you guessed it, more pimples. If you’re like me and your skin is sensitive, dairy can also make it red and inflamed.

And sugar makes things taste so good but isn’t great for the skin. Eating a lot of sugar can lead to glycation, where sugar in your blood starts damaging the proteins that keep your skin looking firm and young. Too much sugar can make your skin look older and contribute to those pesky breakouts, as it ramps up your body’s oil production.

I’ve definitely noticed this myself. If I let loose and indulge in too much dairy and sugar during the holidays, my skin starts acting up. It gets oilier, more breakouts pop up, and it loses its glow.

But here’s what I’ve found works – balance. I try not to completely deprive myself of holiday goodies, but I also make sure to mix in healthier options. 

I’ll have a piece of pie, but I’ll also load up on fruit, veggies, and drink plenty of water. It’s not about cutting out the fun foods entirely; it’s about not going overboard.

And believe me, it really does make a difference. When I keep things balanced, I feel better, and my skin stays clearer and brighter. So, if you’re noticing your skin getting grumpy during the holidays, it might be worth looking at your plate. 

3. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

why does my skin get bad on holiday

I have to confess, I do enjoy the festive cocktails and the occasional glass of bubbly. But I’ve noticed something about my skin when I indulge in a bit too much holiday cheer.

Alcohol, as fun as it is at the moment, isn’t the best friend of our skin. 

I’ve seen it myself. After a night with a few extra drinks, my skin looks kind of dull and sometimes even a bit puffy. That’s because alcohol is really dehydrating. It draws out the moisture from our skin, leaving it looking less than lively.

And it’s not just about dryness. Alcohol can also cause inflammation. This can show up as redness and swelling, which is definitely not the look I’m going for during the holidays. If you’re like me and have sensitive skin, or even rosacea, alcohol can make it flare up, which is no fun at all.

Alcohol can mess with our hormones and nutrient levels, and that can lead to breakouts. It’s like double trouble for our skin.

Enjoying a drink or two is all part of the holiday spirit, but keeping it balanced is key.

And one big tip – drink plenty of water. I always try to match each alcoholic drink with a glass of water. It helps keep the hydration up and reduces the not-so-great effects on my skin.

So if you’re like me and enjoy your festive drinks but also want to keep your skin happy, this balanced approach might be a lifesaver. 

Have fun with your holiday beverages, but don’t forget to drink water and keep everything in moderation. Your skin will be grateful for it the next morning!

4. Not Enough Sleep

Holiday time can be super busy, right? There are parties that go late, trips to visit family, and sometimes I’m up past midnight wrapping gifts. It’s all fun and games until I notice my skin looking pretty unhappy because I’m not getting enough sleep.

I’ve seen it myself – when I miss out on sleep, my skin doesn’t look its best. It gets dull, a bit blah, and hello, dark circles and puffy eyes! 

And it’s not just about looking tired. When we don’t sleep enough, our bodies get stressed and make more of this hormone called cortisol. This sneaky hormone can make our skin oilier, and before you know it, we’re dealing with pimples and breakouts.

I’ve found that trying to get as much sleep as I can during the holidays really helps. Sure, it’s tough with all the late-night fun, but even squeezing in an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. Your skin feels better, and you have more energy for all the holiday excitement.

If your skin starts looking a bit rough during the holiday season, it might be a sign to catch more sleep. Trust me, getting enough sleep is a big deal for keeping your skin happy and glowing.

5. Forgetting to Remove Makeup Before Bed

why is my skin so bad on holiday

We’ve all been there, coming home from a festive party or a late-night gathering, feeling too tired to do anything but crash into bed.

But you know what? When you leave makeup on overnight, it mixes with the day’s oils and dirt and ends up clogging your pores. This leads to breakouts, pimples, blackheads, and can even irritate your skin.

Keeping makeup on while you sleep also stops your skin from doing its natural repair work at night. Your skin needs that time to breathe and heal from the day’s stress. 

I bet you’ve noticed how your skin looks less than its best after sleeping with makeup on.

There’s a quick and easy solution for those super tired nights – makeup remover wipes. They’re a great way to quickly clean off your makeup without too much hassle. Just swipe, and you’re done! 

Of course, when you can, a full cleanse is great, but these wipes are a lifesaver when you’re just too exhausted.

6. Disrupted Skincare Routine

During the holidays, it’s so easy for our usual routines to get tossed out the window, right?

I mean, between traveling, late-night parties, and just the general hustle and bustle, sticking to our regular skincare routine can become a bit of a challenge. 

And of course, your skin definitely notices when there’s a change in its daily care.

When I’m not keeping up with my normal skincare routine during the holidays, my skin starts to act up. It could be skipping my nightly face wash or not moisturizing as often as I should. These might seem like small things, but they can have a big impact on your skin’s health.

Your skin loves consistency. Regular cleansing helps to remove impurities and excess oil, and moisturizing keeps it hydrated and protected. 

When we disrupt this routine, it can lead to breakouts, dry patches, or just overall lackluster skin.

That said, even though the holiday season can get super busy, I try to make a little time for my skincare. 

It could be as simple as carrying a travel-sized cleanser and moisturizer when I’m away from home or setting a reminder to do my skincare routine even after a long day of holiday activities.

Keeping up with your skincare routine as much as possible during the holidays can really help in keeping your skin happy.

7. Reduced Physical Activity

how do i prevent acne on holiday

The holiday season always brings a whirlwind of activities and festivities, and in all that excitement, my regular yoga sessions often get pushed to the sidelines.

There’s so much going on, from baking cookies to attending holiday gatherings, that I find myself moving way less than I normally do.

Keeping active, including my yoga routine, is a big deal for my skin’s health. Regular exercise like yoga boosts blood circulation, which is fantastic for the skin, and sweating helps clear out the pores. 

However, during the holiday rush, when yoga takes a backseat, my skin tends to lose its glow, and I start noticing more breakouts.

I’ve realized the importance of finding ways to stay active during these busy times. It doesn’t always mean sticking to my usual yoga practice. 

Sometimes just doing a few stretches in the morning or some simple poses before hitting the bed works wonders. 

Taking a brisk walk in the crisp winter air or dancing to festive music can be equally effective in keeping the blood pumping and the skin happy.

If your exercise routine tends to falter during the holidays, try to find some easy and enjoyable ways to stay active. 

8. Seasonal Changes

The holiday season often means a big shift in the weather too, especially if you live somewhere with distinct seasons.

In colder months, the air loses a lot of its humidity, and this dryness can be tough on our skin. I’ve definitely noticed that as the temperature drops, my skin starts to feel drier and sometimes even gets a bit flaky and my lips even start cracking and sometimes bleeding.

The cold wind can be harsh too, leaving my skin feeling red and irritated. On top of that, when we crank up the heat indoors to stay warm, it can make the air even drier, adding to the problem.

To deal with this, I’ve learned to adapt my skincare routine as the seasons change. In the winter months, I switch to more hydrating and nourishing products. Think thicker moisturizers, hydrating serums, and maybe even a nice face oil to lock in moisture. 

I also try to use a humidifier in my room to help add some moisture back into the air.

For my lips, I always keep a hydrating lip balm handy, and I apply it religiously to prevent them from getting too dry and cracked.

If you’re experiencing drier skin or chapped lips with the seasonal shift during the holidays, it might be a good idea to amp up the hydration in your skincare routine. 

A few changes, like using more moisturizing products and perhaps running a humidifier, can make a big difference.


As we wrap up this journey through the eight unexpected reasons your skin might be freaking out over the holidays, I hope you’ve found some insights and tips that resonate with you. 

Remember, the holiday season, while full of joy and festivities, can also be a bit of a roller coaster for our skin. But with a little awareness and some tweaks to our routines, we can definitely keep those skin woes at bay.

I’d love to hear if any of these tips worked for you or if you have other tricks that help keep your skin glowing during the holidays. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season with lots of cheer and, of course, fabulous skin!

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