5 Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life And Pursue Your Dreams

Why It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life

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This blog will explain why it’s never too late to change your life and pursue your dreams!

Ever felt like you might be too late to try something new in your life? Like picking up a new hobby, getting a different job, or going back to college? And maybe you’ve asked yourself, “Am I too old for this now?”

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right spot.

Here’s what I believe and want you to think about: it’s never too late to go after your dreams and make life exciting. It’s what people say, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way to do it.” And in this blog, I’m going to show you why that’s true.

Stick with me here. I’ve got five simple reasons that will show you why you can always make a change and go for what you want, no matter how old you are. Let’s get started!

Reason #1: The 90-Year-Old’s Biggest Regret

when is it too late to change your life

In the book “Hello, Habits: A Minimalist’s Guide to a Better Life” by Japanese author Fumio Sasaki, I stumbled upon a heartwarming little story.

Sasaki shared a story about a lady in her 90s. When someone asked her about her biggest regret in life, her answer was pretty simple but made us pause. She wished she had learned to play the violin when she was around sixty. 

Just imagine – if she had started playing the violin back then, she would have enjoyed more than thirty years of making music.

This story serves as a wake-up call for all of me. Many believe that once they reach sixty, it’s too late to start something new. 

Even worse, a growing number of people in their twenties and thirties share the same worry: it’s too late for them to start something new. 

Many people worry that it’s too late for them to switch careers, launch their own business, pick up an instrument, or become fluent in another language. They often regret past decisions, lamenting, “I should have done this years ago.”

But the reality is, no one knows how much time we have in this life. So when exactly is it considered “too late,” and when is the “right time” to begin something you’re passionate about? Holding on to a mindset filled with “should haves” can hold us back and keep us from chasing after what we truly want.

Instead of falling into that trap, consider a different approach. Think about what you could achieve in just five years if you start today. Your future self will be thankful, and by then, you might have a flourishing business, impressive musical skills, or be fluent in a new language.

The bottom line is, if you want to do something, don’t wait. Start now, no matter your age. Your future self will appreciate it, and you’ll be one step closer to turning your dreams into reality.

Reason #2: There’s No Perfect Time

is it too late to change

People often find themselves stuck in the “perfect time” trap.

They think, “I’ll wait until I’ve worked at this company for five years, and then I’ll start my own business,” or “I’ll wait until I land my first job, and then I’ll learn to play the guitar,” or even, “I’ll wait until my kids are in kindergarten, and then I’ll learn Japanese.”

But you know what happens? When that ‘perfect’ time they’ve been waiting for finally arrives, they might feel unprepared or think it’s too late. It’s an endless loop, and in the end, they don’t achieve what they set out to do.

There is no perfect time for anything. Time keeps ticking, and our dreams can slip through our fingers. We can only live in the here and now; we can’t live in the past or the future. The goal you have right now is unique to this moment; it’s not the same as the goals of the past or the future.

If you want to do something, like I said, just do it now. Don’t wait around for the ‘perfect’ time that may never come. Opportunities change over time, and so do your goals. 

You might regret not starting sooner, just like the 90-year-old woman from the earlier story. Time waits for no one, and neither should you when it comes to chasing your dreams.

Reason #3: You Only Live Once (YOLO)

reasons why it's never too late to improve your life

YES! We only live ONCE. Our time on Earth is limited, so why waste it by only making lists of your goals without taking action?

I’ve been there too; I had the same kind of crossroads moment before I took the plunge into blogging.

Back when I was younger, I always loved reading blogs, writing, and sharing my thoughts with others. But as I grew up, societal expectations and family pressures got in the way, and I felt lost. 

I totally lost sight of what I really wanted while I was in college. 

I knew that what I was studying wasn’t aligning with my true passion.

Then came a turning point – a solo trip to my home country. Those two months away from my daily routine were a gift. It gave me time to reflect on my life and rediscover what I truly loved. 

That thought of “You only live once” hit me hard. I realized that if I spent my entire life doing what others expected of me, I’d regret it on my hospital bed before leaving this world.

Then, I decided to make a significant change. I switched my college major and started learning how to create a blog. These were the first things I did for myself in over two decades without following any rules from my family.

I was overjoyed because I was finally doing something I loved from the depths of my heart – blogging. It’s what I want to spend my entire life doing.

If you’re sitting on the fence, not sure whether to take the leap or not, I wholeheartedly recommend going on a trip or simply spending more quality time with yourself. 

Listen to your inner voice, uncover what you want to pursue for the remainder of your life. It may take a while, but I promise it’s absolutely worth it.

What you want to do might not be what your family wants, and that’s totally okay. Your own happiness and fulfillment are the most important things. 

When you truly want something, nothing can stand in your way. Once you figure it out, the universe will  support your dreams and make them come true.

Reason #4: You’ll Realize Others’ Opinions Don’t Matter

it's not too late to be who you want to be

There will come a time in your life when you’ll realize that other people’s opinions really don’t hold much weight when it comes to pursuing your dreams.

As I mentioned, when I made the decision to switch my major and want to become a blogger, my parents were beyond shocked. They even threatened to kick me out of the house, no kidding!

I cried a lot and tried to explain to them that blogging is my true passion. But they didn’t want to listen. They didn’t seem to understand how I felt or what I really wanted.

I didn’t like the path they wanted me to follow, and I had no intention of becoming the person they imagined.

I couldn’t stand it when they told me that if I did things their way, people would respect me, I’d make a lot of money, and live in a big house. But that was their dream, NOT mine.

What I really yearned for was writing, having the freedom to work from anywhere, and traveling the world.

My inner self told me that these were the things I genuinely cherished. I value freedom more than anything else, and it can’t be bought with any amount of money.

Over time, as I stuck to my path, my parents began to adapt to the changes and reconsidered their stance. They stopped pushing me to switch my major and quit writing. They started to accept what was happening and allowed me to follow my passion.

To be honest, I’m really happy now. Even though my parents never said they support my dream out loud, I can feel it. I know that all they want is to see me happy with my life, and they’re happy when they see how much joy I get from doing what I love.

From the depths of my heart, I appreciate them. It’s because of them that I exist in this world. They toiled tirelessly for me and my brothers, with the hope that we’d have a better life than they did. 

Despite their strictness and attempts to steer me in the direction they wanted, all of it came from their love. 

As I persisted in following my dreams, their skepticism faded, and they began to trust me more and accept what I’m doing.

So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where your family or friends aren’t quite on board with what you’re passionate about, don’t lose heart.

Keep chasing your dreams and prove yourself through your actions. With time, they’ll likely come to trust and support you, especially if they genuinely care about your happiness.

Reason #5: The Biggest Regrets Often Come from the Things You Didn’t Do, Not the Things You Did

why it's never too late to create the life you want

As humans, we often spend more time thinking about the chances we didn’t take, the dreams we didn’t follow, and the things we never even tried than the things we actually did.

Many people wonder why they didn’t pursue the business they once dreamed of while spending their lives in a 9-5 job. If they had taken that leap, they could now be proud business owners, relishing the journey.

Similarly, they often look back and wish they had picked up a guitar and started strumming, rather than waiting for the ‘perfect’ time. If they had, they could be making beautiful music today.

They also regret letting the fear of mispronouncing words hold them back from learning new languages. If they had overcome that fear, they could have been having interesting conversations and immersing themselves in different cultures by now.

I don’t want that for you. Remember, our time on this planet is limited, and it’s shorter than we often realize. One day, we’ll find ourselves wondering why we didn’t do the things we truly wanted to do rather than dwelling on the things we did.

 If you have a desire to do something, don’t hold back. Go for it now, make mistakes, be a little goofy, or even look a bit foolish in the process. 

Years from now, you’ll look back without regrets because you had the courage to take action. You’ll cherish every step of your journey, embracing the mistakes as lessons learned. All these experiences will have played a part in shaping a better, wiser you.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on the story of the 90-year-old woman who regretted not learning to play the violin in her sixties, we’re reminded that it’s never too late to improve your life. 

This tale is a powerful testament to the idea that we have the power to change our life for the better at any stage. 

You have one life to live, and it’s filled with untapped potential. So, seize the day and take the steps now to achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t wait for a perfect moment that may never come, just do it now—your future self will thank you.

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