Why You Get Bored So Easily and How to Overcome It

why you get bored so easily

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In this blog, we’ll talk about why you get bored so easily and share some simple ways to help you feel more interested and excited in your everyday life!

Have you ever plunged into something new with a burst of excitement, only to find that the initial thrill fades away all too quickly? 

For example, you pick a major because you’re excited about it, learn about it for a while, and then, boom, you realize it’s not your thing.

Or you start a new job thinking it’s going to be great, but a few months in, you’re already bored.

Maybe you begin a blog, hoping it’ll make enough money to leave your regular job, but half a year goes by, and the excitement is gone.

If this sounds like something you’ve gone through, don’t worry — lots of people feel the same way.

According to The Washington Post, when they asked around 4,000 American adults, 63% of them said they felt bored at least once in the last 10 days.

That’s a lot of us getting bored pretty often, so it’s nothing to feel bad about.

Feeling bored doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. Instead, it’s just a part of life that we all deal with. This blog is going to look into why we get bored so quickly and what we can do about it. 

1. You’re Surrounded by Many Distractions

why you get bored very easily

One of the main reasons we get bored so quickly is because we have so many distractions all around us. With all the technology we have today, there’s always something that wants our attention.

Social media, videos, text messages, and all kinds of apps are always there, waiting for us to look at them.

Because we have so many things trying to get our attention, it’s hard for us to stay with one activity for a long time.

We might start doing something, but then something else catches our eye, and we move on to that. This makes it difficult for us to really get interested in anything for a long time.

Our brains also get used to this fast pace of constant change. When we’re faced with a task that takes more time or attention, it feels extra slow and hard to stick with.

We’re so used to quick hits of entertainment or information that when they’re not there, we feel restless and lose interest quickly.

In the end, all these distractions mean we’re not giving our brains a chance to get truly engaged with anything. And when we’re not fully engaged, we don’t feel excited or interested — and that’s when boredom creeps in.

To escape from distractions, you can turn off the notifications on your phone and computer. This helps you avoid being interrupted by every message or update. 

Try to set specific times in your day when you don’t use any technology at all — maybe during meals, or for an hour in the evening. 

2. You’re Not in the Present

Have you ever been so stuck in your head, thinking about the past or worrying about the future, that you don’t really notice what’s happening right now? I’ve been there. 

Whether I was eating, working, or spending time with friends, I was never really ‘there.’ Everything seemed kind of boring because I wasn’t paying full attention.

If you’re like how I was, you might be missing out on the good stuff that’s happening right now.

What helped me was starting to take deep breaths when I noticed my mind wandering. I’d look around and really take in what I was seeing and hearing.

I told myself, “Pay attention to what you’re doing right at this moment.”

I also gave mindfulness a shot, just sitting quietly and noticing my breath for a few minutes each day. It sounds simple, but it trained my brain to enjoy the now.

And you know what? It WORKED. 

Food tasted better, work got more interesting, and time with my friends became a lot more fun. By trying to stay in the present, I kicked boredom away bit by bit.  

It’s something I’d encourage you to try as well; it could really change how you experience your day-to-day activities.

3. You Constantly Seek for External Stimulation

why am i getting bored so quickly

In my own experience, always seeking excitement from the outside world had an unexpected side effect—it made me get bored way too easily. 

The more I chased after new and thrilling things, the more my brain got used to them.

What used to be super exciting became less interesting, and things started to feel ordinary or unexciting.

I found myself always wanting something fresh and different to keep my interest alive. 

And my attention span got shorter, making it hard to focus on things that needed time and patience. 

I also noticed that I couldn’t enjoy the present moment as much; I was always thinking about the next big thing.

I even became reliant on external stuff, like movies and games, for my happiness, and eventually, I just felt exhausted. 

I’ve learned that it’s crucial to balance all the excitement with simpler, everyday activities.

Instead of constantly seeking the next thrill, I take time to appreciate the small moments, like enjoying a good book or a quiet walk in the park.  

And I make sure to take breaks from the constant buzz of external stimulation to reset my brain and maintain a healthier rhythm in life. 

These practical steps have made a significant difference in how I experience and enjoy life.

4. You Expect to Have Results Quickly

Ever started something new and felt super excited because you’re thinking about all the cool things that’ll come out of it? 

Like when you decide to study business, you can almost see yourself as the boss of your own company. 

Or when you begin to read more, picturing how much everyone will admire your smarts. 

And then there’s starting your own blog, dreaming about all the freedom and money it could bring.

It’s totally okay to get pumped about the good stuff that might happen. But it’s also easy to forget about the not-so-fun parts.

Like the tough classes you’ll have to take for that business degree, the sleepiness that hits you a few pages into a book, or the countless hours you’ll need to put into your blog before you see a single dollar.

If you don’t think about these tough bits, you’ll get bored fast when they show up and you might want to quit. 

So, what I want to say is, get to know what you’re signing up for. Look up stories and experiences from people who’ve been there.

And keep in your head that you’ve got to get through the tough stuff to get to your desired outcomes.

5. You Try to Make Everything Perfect

why do some people get bored easier

I used to be someone who needed everything to be perfect. Let me tell you, it made everything feel like a drag.

I’d get so caught up in the tiny details that I’d lose sight of the fun part.

When I was writing an article or working on a project, if a small thing wasn’t just right, I’d spend all my time fixing it. 

This hunt for perfection was a constant cycle of effort without progress.

And yep, it got boring, really fast, because it felt like I wasn’t getting anything done.

Then I tried something new — I decided it was okay if things were just okay. This small change was a big deal.

I stopped worrying over every little thing and started to get stuff done. I wrote articles, finished projects, and guess what? I wasn’t bored anymore.

I want to share a helpful hint with you that you don’t have to make everything perfect. Letting that idea go feels good.

Being alright with things being okay means you can do more and actually feel good about what you’ve done. It’s not a big change, but it could really make doing things more fun for you.

6. You Have a Fixed Mindset

With a fixed mindset, you might think you’re only good at what you were born good at, and that’s it. 

If you’ve told yourself, “I’m no good at math,” you’re not going to want to try and get better. You’ll likely get bored and not even bother. 

Or if you believe, “I can’t finish a book,” why would you keep reading? You’d probably just put the book down and walk away.

But here’s a different way to look at things: believe that you can improve. This is what having a growth mindset is all about. 

It means you understand that with time and effort, you can get better at almost anything. So, even if math is tough, with practice, you can learn to understand it. 

And that book you can’t seem to finish? If you keep at it, reading a little each day, you’ll get to the end and might even enjoy it.

Think of your brain as a muscle that gets stronger every time you learn something new. When you start thinking this way, you open up a world of possibilities where boredom doesn’t stand a chance.

7. You Easily Lose Interest When Things Get Tough

is it a bad thing to get bored easily

I used to give up really quickly when things got tough. If I made a mistake or something was hard, I’d feel stuck and bored, thinking maybe it wasn’t for me.

Then I tried to be kind to myself. Every time I mess up, I’d just take a breath and remind myself that messing up is how we learn.

I started to see those hard bits not as roadblocks but as steps up a mountain.

When you get that frustrated feeling, take a break, take a breath, and tell yourself it’s all part of learning.

Stick with it and you’ll find that the things that used to bore you because they were hard will start to interest you.

You’ll get better at dealing with the tough stuff, and you’ll feel proud and excited about what you can do.

8. You Don’t Have Clear Goals

You might get bored quickly if you don’t have clear goals. It happens because you’re not sure what you’re aiming for or what you want to achieve. This can make any task feel pointless and uninteresting.

I noticed this when I was going through my daily routine without any real purpose. It was pretty boring.

But once I began setting specific goals for myself, everything changed. Having goals gave me a reason to stay interested and put effort into what I was doing.

Setting goals can really help you stay focused and excited about your activities. It could be something as simple as reading a certain number of pages each day or finishing a project by the end of the week.

When you know what you’re working towards, you’re more likely to stay engaged and not get bored.

Wrapping It Up

Experiencing boredom is common, and many people experience boredom or get bored easily in our fast-paced world. 

If you ever feel like you’re bored of everything, it’s a sign that change is needed.

To stay motivated and break free from the cycle of boredom, try these straightforward tips. Limit distractions, practice mindfulness, and balance excitement with enjoying simple moments. 

Adjust your expectations, believe in self-improvement, and set clear goals to add purpose to your daily life. 

By following these steps, you can overcome your inclination to be prone to boredom and lead a more engaging and satisfying life, filled with exciting hobbies and experiences.

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